Sunday, July 8, 2012


 We may not be able to often afford the cost of Beef. Pork is not something we eat often either since we live on a predominantly Muslim island. Mostly we eat eggs, Tofu, Tempeh (fermented soy bean cake), Dried Beans, and Chicken. However, once a month for about the same cost as chicken ($2.50 USD per 2.2 lbs) we buy 1 fish, 1 VERY LARGE FISH. I'm not exactly sure what kind, I think it may be a type of Sea Bass. Sometimes we get Black Fin Tuna. Don't worry...we don't eat it in 1 sitting. I filet it out and pack it away so it lasts for the whole month.
The fish above is 11 kilos. that's 24.2 lbs. I fought with that one for almost 4 hours trying to filet it. (By the way, yes we use the bones and head for Fish Head Soup.) We still have a few pkgs of this fish in our freezer. The fish on the left is 8 kilos, 17.6 lbs. I only fought 2 hours with this one this morning. We are filling our freezer and cupboards with food now in preparation of the upcoming fasting month. We buy early to avoid the double increase in the prices for food during Ramadan. That is my idea of being a shrewd woman...and you thought shrewd was a bad word. hehehe

Friday, July 6, 2012

 YEEEA!!! I finished Luke's (my grandson's) stuffed gecko. Hopefully I can get it to him soon. through a friend that is heading back to the states. Luke asked for a lizard...I hope this will fit the order.

I love the batik fabric. It is spotted just like a real Gecko. We have lots of them here and I like them only if they don't come in my house. If a gecko gets in then I go out until Rich plays HE MAN and saves me from it.

We had our 32nd anniversary the first day our friends arrived for their camping trip. We were given traditional local hats to wear. What do you think???

OK...We are all ready for our camping in the tropical jungle experience! Notice that Rich and I are not wearing packs. Remember the camping beds Rich made for my friend and I?? They wouldn't fit in a bag. Little did our little friends know...they would be carrying these packs up Mt. Rinjani, the volcano on our island, in less than a week from the time this photo was taken.

Yoko and Matius helped my friend and I set up our tent. They tried to claim our beds but we sent them off to unroll their sleeping bags. I have to say I enjoyed the bed but was VERY surprised to find out how cold it could get in the tropical jungle at night. I needed more blankets and actually was jealous of the kids sleeping bags.

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