Friday, June 15, 2012

Batik and Beach is a good combination

 Last Saturday, on the way to the beach, my friends and I stopped by the batik shop. It was pretty cool watching them hand apply the wax to the fabric in the places they didn't want the dipped dye to show. this fabric will be brown, orange, and white. the design is very traditional for our island
 After we watched the fabric being made we were invited for some traditional tea made with jasmine flowers and leaves. If you notice, we all sat on the floor even though there is a sofa in the room. It is not polite to sit up higher above others if there is not enough room for everyone to sit high.

 Once we got to the beach we had a great picnic with our friends, climbed a cliff  and played on the rocks. These are 3 of the girls that often come to to my house. I love having their smiling faces around.
This is the view from the cliff. It is ONE of the most beautiful beaches on our island. If you want to see THE most beautiful beach, you will have to come visit.  hehehe You can't blame a girl for trying.

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